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Australian Plastic Fabricators’ Blog is Back

2014 was a busy year for A.P.F. With no rest for the wicked, we have been a little lax on keeping our website updated with all the exciting things we have been up to.

All that is about to change, with intensive, fast tracked IT training from our friends at Big Picture Inc… No form of social media is safe. Blogs, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook are all mountains we wish to conquer so we can bring you all our latest news, photos and projects. So WATCH THIS SPACE.

In the meantime, to satiate those Acrylic cravings take a look at the Crystal Structure we produced in conjuncture with UNSW and ANSTO for Science week last year. With our brains trust Joe and our Fabricator Extraordinaire Neeraj at the helm, the structure involved fabrication of spheres with LED Strip Lighting running through Acrylic Tube. Below is a picture of the unit in its temporary home of the botanic gardens before heading to its final resting place in the Australian Musuem.

If you are interested in Crystallography and the project in general heres a link to find out more…

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